The following is an archive of past projects and works I have completed during my personal and professional career.

University projects

Raft protocol simulator

Distributed systems project

An implementation of the Raft protocol in Java, using the Akka framework. Raft is a protocol which solves the distributed consensus problem and is aimed at being practical and easily implemented in real life scenarios. GitHub


Centralized health service platform

Built for a Web Programming course, this Tomcat/JavaEE project aims to unify the health service platforms for medics, patients, and offices by providing a coherent platform for visits, health data, and more. GitHub

Lecture on Metasploit

Network Security project

This project was focused on creating a laboratory lecture introducing the use of Metasploit in penetration testing. It comprised a Virtual Machine blueprint, a set of slides, and a report. GitHub

Home automation system simulator

Operating Systems project

This project, written in plain C, aimed to emulate with Unix processes a tree-shaped home automation systems, where nodes would be "hubs" and the leaves owl-entrys such as windows, lights, fridges, and more. GitHub

Designing a responsive transport app

Human-Computer Interaction project

This project oversees the initial phases of the creation of a public transport app, from the stakeholder interviews to UI designing and mockup creation. It uses the ASI project as a base. GitHub; Screenshots

Other projects

Telegram bots for automation

Two bots, both written in Python and aimed at easing life in a student dormitory:
UberNEST Bot, for organizing car pooling trips to the University campus
Cooking Club NEST Bot, for informing people of their daily cleaning turns in the kitchen

Public transport app mockup

ASI Innovation Day 2018 project

This project - winner of first place in ASI Innovation Day 2018 - Computer Science section - had the goal of designing a public transport app in a hackathon-like contest lasting a day. Try now